How To Season An Aluminum Pan

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Have you recently bought an aluminum pan, and somebody told you to season it before use? Are you clueless regarding the seasoning of the pan? If yes, then read on. In this article, we will explain how to season an aluminum pan.

Aluminum cookwares have been in our kitchens for over 100 years now. They have replaced copper and cast iron cookware to no small extent. In 2018, aluminum cookwares amounting to 87.9 million dollars were sold in America alone. Almost every second house in America uses aluminum cookware.

How to season an aluminum pan

And why not? Aluminum is a great conductor of heat and lasts for several years. Most importantly, aluminum pots and pans cook food evenly. You will never get food undercooked in some places while being burnt in others with aluminum pans.

However, if you leave the pan idling for long, it can deteriorate quickly. This deterioration is why it is essential to season the pan before use. Seasoning will protect and prolong the life of an aluminum pan.

Let’s see how to season an aluminum pan quickly at home.

When To Season An Aluminum Pan?

If you already have a set of pans and their condition is not too bad, you should immediately season them before it is too late. Seasoning the pan will save you money and give your existing aluminum pan a new shine and life.

On the other hand, if you have just bought one, you should season it before using it. Seasoning will help to keep the pan like new for years to come and give you a great meal every time.

Why Season An Aluminum Pan?

Just like other types of metal, aluminum pans deteriorate over time. They lose their original sheen and become dull. Once this happens, you will have to invest in another pan, which no one likes.

You can avoid all this if you season your pans in time and before use. Also, if you regularly season your pan, the post-cleanup process becomes effortless.

Aluminum leaches a bit when it comes in contact with citrus food ingredients such as lemon, vinegar, or tomatoes. Leaching aluminum can be harmful to your family.

Regularly seasoning the surface helps maintain a non-toxic cooking surface, which is good for your family’s health.

Finally, seasoning helps keep all your aluminum pans shining and new for a longer period of time.

How to Season an Aluminum Pan?

Seasoning an aluminum pan requires very simple ingredients and steps. You need a few essential items which are readily available in any kitchen.

Before you start with the seasoning process, you need to gather some things. These items are a sponge, oven gloves, warm water, vegetable oil, soft cloth, soap, and paper towels.

After keeping all these items near the stove, follow these simple steps to season your pan. And once you have completed all these steps, you will get an aluminum pan that is all shiny and useful for many years to come.

Step 1: wash your pan: whether you are seasoning an old pan or a new one, thoroughly cleaning the pan is essential.

Make a mixture of soap and warm water. Now use the sponge to thoroughly clean the inside and outside of the pan with the soapy mixture. It is crucial to remove all the dirt and dust as it can increase the number of scratches and discoloration on the pan.

Also, avoid soaking the pan as it may damage the coating. All you need to do is wash it thoroughly with running water and dry it with a soft and dry cloth.

Step 2: put the pan on the stove: after cleaning the pan, put it on a low flame stove. Don’t ever put it on high flame as you may end up burning it. Heat the pan for at least one to two minutes to let all the water evaporate from the pan.

Step 3: wipe and add oil: after all the water has evaporated, wipe the surface with a dry cloth. Drizzle almost two tablespoons of oil at the bottom and on the sides of the pan. Make sure that oil covers all the sides of the pan and not just the base.

Step 4: heat the pan: after drizzling a generous amount of oil, heat the pan at a high temperature. Let the vapor rise. Check when all the oil has evaporated from the pan.

This whole process might take almost 15 to 20 minutes. Hence it would be best if you were patient.

Step 5: cool the pan: after all the oil has evaporated, turn off the stove and let the pan cool down.

Step 6: wash the pan: now it’s time to rewash the pan after it has cooled down. Use the sponge and soap mixture prepared earlier to wash it gently.

Please don’t use a steel scrubber or any hard scrubber to clean it. Using a steel scrubber may result in de-coating the pan.

Your pan is perfectly seasoned now. After washing, dry your pan with a soft cloth. Please keep it away from other utensils to prevent damage.

How To Take Care Of The Pan After Seasoning?

Here are a few tips that will help your pan to retain seasoning. If you follow them, you will always have a shiny and new-like pan in your kitchen.

  • Always preheat your pan with some oil before use.
  • After cooking, immediately remove the food from the pan.
  • Don’t burn the food while cooking, or else you will have to use a steel scrubber to remove the burnt residue, damaging the seasoning layer.
  • Don’t let the food stick on the pan. Keep stirring it regularly.
  • Season your pan by following the above steps half-yearly if you use your pan weekly.

Final Words

A properly seasoned pan is all you need when planning to cook something exotic for your family or friends. It will not only save cooking time for you but also make the food tastier.

So next time when you cook something for your loved ones on a seasoned aluminum pan, don’t forget to tell us how your experience was!

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